Class Lectures and Reading Assignments
CS 51520
Operating Systems
Spring, 2019
This page documents what we do in class. It contains programs that we will discuss in class, reading assignments, simple homework exercises that you can work on for practice and exam preparation (not for credit), and links to other sources of information.
This zip file contains solutions to Hw 4. I wrote two Rust solutions, one similar to the Haskell code and one similar to the Java code. I also added a C version. To keep the code as simple as possible, I did not include the code to generate random triples.
Here is the Rust code that we wrote in class on Rust Playground. This code is also in the homework's zip file. Please download the homework zip file again because I cleaned up some typos in the sample programs.
Important: You should get an account on a Purdue Linux cluster. We will use it as an example Linux system. Log into Purdue's "research account management tool" using your Purdue career account. When you are asked for a "research group name", use "Purdue Northwest". Under "Select which queues and resources to request access to", check "Rice". In the textbox for comments, put "CS 51520, Professor Roger Kraft". Then click the "Submit Request" button, and we will see what happens.