Purdue Calumet
CS 27500
Data Structures
Fall, 2016

Professor Roger Kraft
Office: Classroom Office Building, Room 368
Office phone: (219) 989-2696
Office hours: 2:00--3:00 MTWR, and by appointment.
E-mail: rlkraft@pnw.edu

This course is an introduction to data structures. We will cover the use and implementation of the most important data structures (linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees). All of these data structures will be studied using the concepts of Abstract Data Types (public interface vs. private implementation). We will also study how recursion can be used both to process and define data structures.

In addition to the study of data structures, three other subjects will be important in this course, the Java programming language, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), and generics. We will see how object oriented programming techniques, in particular Java generics, can be used to define and implement abstract data types. All of the programming assignments will be done in Java and make use of object oriented programming and design.