Purdue Calumet
CS 22300
Computer Architecture & Assembly Language
Fall, 2016

Professor Roger Kraft
Office: Classroom Office Building, Room 368
Office phone: (219) 989-2696
Office hours: 2:00--3:00 MTWR, and by appointment.
E-mail: rlkraft@pnw.edu

This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer architecture, progressing from the digital logic level to the microarchitecture level and then to the instruction set level. We cover data representations, machine level representations of C programs, processor architecture, program optimizations, and the memory hierarchy. Assembly language and the assembly process will also be included.

In addition to the study of computer architecture, two other subjects will be important in this course, the C programming language and the Linux operating system. All of the programming assignments will be done using the GCC compiler running in a Linux environment.