Syllabus for CS 125
Introduction to Computer Algebra
and Programming
Spring, 1999

Professor Roger Kraft
Office: Classroom Office Building, Room 368
Office phone: 989-2696
Office hours: 12:00-1:00, MTWR, and by appointment.

Text 1: Maple V Primer: Release 4, by Frank Garvan, CRC Press, 1997.

Text 2: Java for Students, 2nd Edition, by Douglas Bell and Mike Parr, Prentice Hall, 1999.

There will be two parts to this course. The first part is an introduction to the computer algebra system Maple and how it can be used to solve mathematical problems. The second part is an introduction to computer programming. For the second part we will use the Java programming language.

Your grade for this course will be based on 8 to 10 homework assignments, and two one hour exams, in the following manner:

           70    homework assignments,
           30    two exams (15% per exam).
The tentative dates for the two one hour exams are
           Exam 1   Wednesday, March 3
           Exam 2   Final exam week
Your homework assignments will be mostly done on a computer. For the first part of the course, the assignments will be problems that you are to solve using Maple. The Maple problems for each assignment will be contained in a ``Maple worksheet'' document that you will download from this web page. You will solve the problems in the worksheet using Maple, enter your solutions into the worksheet, print out the worksheet, and then hand in your printout. We will go into the details of all this in class.

For the programming part of the course, the assignments will be short programs that you are to write in the Java language. Java is a fairly new programming language designed for the Internet, and you will be using the Internet as part of you Java assignments. Each Java program that you write for a homework assignment will be placed in a web page on the AXP computer. To receive full credit for the assignment your Java program must run correctly when this web page is viewed using Netscape. So besides learning how to do computer programming, you will also be learning a bit about the construction of Internet web pages. We will go over in class the details of how to create simple web pages and how to run Java programs in a web page.

All of the homework assignments, for both Maple and Java, will have a due date. To receive full credit for the assignment, it must be turned in by the due date. Late homework assignments will lose 5 points (out of 50) for each week they are late. You will be allowed to turn in one homework assignment arbitrarily late with no penalty.

The computer programs that you need to do all of your homework assignments are on computers in the new Math Computer Lab in CLO 365, and also in the Powers Computer Education Building. The Java programming language is also available for free over the Internet, and you can install it on a home computer if you wish. There will more more information about this in class and on the course web page.

In compliance with the American With Disabilities Act (ADA), all qualified students enrolled in this course are entitled to "reasonable accommodations." It is the student's responsibility to inform me of any special needs before the end of the second week of classes.

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Last modified on 02/04/20.
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