Homework Assignments for CS 125

These are your Java homework assignments. Most of these assignments will be from our Java textbook, Java for Students.
Review Problems for Exam 2.
Here are review problems for the exam an May 12. Note: All homework assignments must be turned in by Friday, May 7; I will not accept homework assignments after that. I will return all the homework assignment to you at the exam on May 12.

Assignment 9.
For this assignment you will turn in one Java program; do Exercise 12.15 from pages 227-228 of the textbook. Your program should initially draw the Mandelbrot set for x between -1.0 and +2.0 and for y between -2.0 and +2.0, but your program should also have four TextFields where a user can input new ranges for x and y and a draw Button to make the program redraw the Mandelbrot set with the new ranges. When you are done, e-mail your programs to me (please put the program in the body of an e-mail message, not in an attachment; this works better for me). This assignment is due on Friday, May 7.

Assignment 8.
For this assignment you will turn in one Java program; this exercise is not from our textbook. Write a program that creates a two dimensional array of Colors, fills the array with randomly generated colors, then displays the colors in a two dimensional array of colored boxes. After the boxes have been drawn, if a user clicks on a box with the mouse, then that box should get a new randomly generated color. Your program should work like this example. Most of the ideas you need for this exercise are in the code examples Sales.java and RandomField4.java from Chapter 14. When you are done, e-mail your programs to me (please put the program in the body of an e-mail message, not in an attachment; this works better for me). This assignment is due on Wednesday, April 28.

Assignment 7.
For this assignment you will turn in two Java programs. Do Exercises 12.7 and 12.10 on pages 225-226. For each of these exercises, use doubles instead of floats for your decimal numbers. Also, for each exercise, your program should have two textfields, one for inputting x and the other for imputing the accuracy, and your program should output two numbers, the result from your program's calculation and the result from using the Math class. When you are done, e-mail your programs to me (please put each program in the body of an e-mail message, not in an attachment; this works better for me). This assignment is due on Monday, April 19.

Assignment 6.
For this assignment you will turn in two Java programs. First, write a Java program that solves Exercise 7.5 on page 113 of the textbook; your program should display the results from the three die in addition to the player's winnings or losses. Second, write a Java program that solves Exercise 8.8 on page 137 of the textbook When you are done, e-mail your programs to me (please put each program in the body of an e-mail message, not in an attachment; this works better for me). This assignment is due on Wednesday, April 7. (Postponed to Friday, April 9 due to campus network failure.)

Assignment 5.
Write a Java program that solves Exercise 6.3 on page 80 of the textbook. Since the exercise in the book doesn't explain "exactly" what you are to do, I recommend that you show me your ideas for this exercise before you turn in your final program. When you are done, email your program to me. This assignment is due on Monday, March 29.

Assignment 4.
For this assignment you will turn in two Java programs. First, write a Java program that solves Exercise 3.4(b)(c) on page 31 of the textbook. Second, write a Java program that solves Exercise 5.5 on page 61 of the textbook (you will also need to solve Exercise 5.4, since it will be needed to do Exercise 5.5). When you are done, email your two programs to me in separate email messages. This assignment is due on Friday, March 12.

These are your Maple homework assignment worksheets. You can configure Netscape so that when you click on one of these links, Nescape will ask you where you would like to save the Maple worksheet, and then Netscape will download and save the worksheet for you. Then you can open the worksheet using Maple.

However, if after you click on one of these links you get a page full of nonsense, then return to this page and "right click" (i.e., use the right mouse button) on the link that you want. Netscape will pop up a "context menu," and you should click on the "Save Link As ..." menu item. Then Netscape will ask you where you would like to save the worksheet.

Review Problems for Exam 1.
Here are review problems for the exam an March 3. I have also prepared a list of Maple commands and terminology that you should be familiar with for the exam. The list is available both in an HTML format and as a Maple worksheet.

Solutions to Assignment 3.

Assignment 3.
Download this Maple V Release 4 worksheet, and save it on your computer. Open the worksheet using Maple VR4, then follow the instructions in the worksheet. This is due Monday, February 22.

Solutions to Assignment 2.

Assignment 2.
Download this Maple V Release 4 worksheet, and save it on your computer. Open the worksheet using Maple VR4, then follow the instructions in the worksheet. This is due Wednesday, February 10.

Solutions to Assignment 1.

Assignment 1.
Download this Maple V Release 4 worksheet, and save it on your computer. Open the worksheet using Maple VR4, then follow the instructions in the worksheet. This is due Monday, February 1.

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