Purdue Northwest
CS 12300-02 (TR)
Programming I: Java
Fall, 2020

Professor Roger Kraft
Office: Classroom Office Building, Room 368
Office phone: (219) 989-2273
Office hours: 2:00--3:30 MW, and by appointment.
E-mail: rlkraft@pnw.edu

This course is an introduction to computer science and computer programming. The programming language used is Java and the topics covered include identifiers, basic data types, expressions, control statements, methods, arrays, objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and simple graphical user interfaces.

This class will meet using the Zoom application. We will meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30. The purpose of each meeting will be to talk about readings from the textbook, to go over Java examples and homework problems, and, most importantly, to let you have a chance to ask questions. Please click on the following invite link to join a class meeting.

We will also use Zoom for office hours. I will have office hours every Monday and Wednesday afternoon at 2:00. Please click on the following invite link to join an office hour meeting.