Syllabus for CS 55000
Computer Graphics
Spring, 2012

Professor Roger Kraft
Office: Classroom Office Building (CLO), Room 368
Office phone: (219) 989-2696
Office hours: 12:30--2:00 TR, after class, and by appointment.

Text: Real-Time Rendering, 3rd Edition, by Tomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines, and Naty Hoffman, A K Peters, Ltd., 2008.

This course is a second course in computer graphics and OpenGL. The main topics covered will be a software implementation of a basic 3D graphics pipeline, modern GPU hardware, and the modern OpenGL 4.0 programmable graphics pipeline.

Your grade for this course will be based on about 8 programming assignments and a final exam in the following manner:

           75%    programming assignments,
           25%    Final Exam.
The final exam will be during final exam week.

Each of the programming assignments will have a due date. To receive full credit for an assignment, it must be turned in by the due date. All programs handed in late will be marked off 10% of the total points for each calendar day late up to a maximum of 50%. If an assignment is more than two weeks late, then I reserve the right not to accept it for credit. When you complete an assignment you will submit your solution using Blackboard. In this course web site there are detailed instructions on how you are to turn in your assignments. You will be expected to follow the instructions. Also in this web site is information on the criteria used to grade programming assignments.

You should turn in your own work for each programming assignment. Here is what that means: You may talk with your other classmates about the course material and the ideas behind each homework assignment but you should solve each problem on your own and write your own code for the solution. Turning in someone else's solution (or even a modified version of someone else's solution) is a breach of academic integrity. Similarly, giving a copy of your solution to someone else in the class is also a breach of academic integrity. If you need help with a homework assignment, come and ask me. You can ask me as many questions as you want! Please do not hesitate to ask me questions after class, in my office, in an e-mail message, over the phone, etc.

In this web site you will find more information about this course. There are links to online information about computer graphics, OpenGL, information about course reading assignments, and, very importantly, all of your homework assignments and their due dates will be posted on one of these web pages.

The software that you need to do your programming assignments are on computers in the Mathematics Computer Labs in CLO 363 and CLO 365.

If you are a student with a documented disability who will require academic/classroom accommodations in this course, please register with the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities in the Student Support Services Office located in the Student Union and Library Building (SUL), Room 341, phone numbers: 219-989-2455, 219-989-2454(voice/TTY) or 219-989-2920.

Ethics are an integral part of being a student and a professional. Academic integrity is the hallmark of this University. Therefore, Purdue University does not tolerate academic dishonesty in any form. If a student breaches integrity, the student risks sanctions in both the academic and conduct arenas. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the unauthorized use of other's intellectual property (plagiarism), and lying to an instructor or any University employee. Such actions WILL result in a failing grade on the assignment with the strong possibility of referral to the Office of the Dean of Students for a conduct sanction (see the Purdue University Calumet Student Handbook available from the Dean of Students office and the Dean of Students web site).

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