Turning in a homework assignment
CS 51590
Parallel Computing
Spring, 2025

Your source code files should follow a specific format and you will submit them to me in a specific way. These rules make it easier for me to automate the collecting, compiling, and running of your homework assignments, so it is important that you follow them carefully. If you do not follow these instructions, then my automated grading scripts may fail to grade your assignment and you may lose credit for the assignment.

Formatting your source files.

At the very beginning of each of your source files there should be a C-style comment containing the course number, your name, your email address, and the assignment number. An example below shows how you are to format this. After this comment are your import statements. After the import statements are your class definitions. Here is a template of how a source file should look.

      Course: CS 51590
      Name: Gluyas Williams
      Email: gw@pnw.edu
      Assignment: 0

   import java.util.*;

      Class Javadoc.

      Any comments that you want to make...
   public class WhatEverIsAppropriate
         Method Javadoc.

         Any comments that you want to make...
      public static void main(String[] args)
         // put code here


Your solution for an assignment may make use of several source files. What I want you to turn in to me is a zip file containing all of the source files for your solution. I want you to follow a very strict rule for naming your zip file. The name of your zip file should be of the form CS51590Hw0Surname.zip. The number between Hw and Surname is the number of the homework assignment. And Surname is of course your last name. If your surname has more than one part, concatenate the parts together so that the zip file's name does not have any spaces in it.

Submitting your assignments.

When you are finished with your assignment, submit the zip file of your solution using the Brightspace web site for this course. After you have logged into Brightspace, go to the page for this course. Click on "Course Tools" and then click on "Assignments". That should bring up a page of the course homework assignments. Click on the name of an assignment, and that should take you to a "Submit Assignment" page where you can upload your zip file. Click on a button called "Add a File". That should bring up a file chooser dialog box. Use the file chooser to navigate to the assignment zip file that you want to submit from your computer. After you select your zip file and click on the "Add" button from this dialog box, you will be back to the "Submit Assignment" page. Click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of this page. After you have submitted your assignment, you should be at a page called "Review Assignment Submission" and your zip file should have been successfully uploaded to Brightspace.

Here is a brief video of these steps and a help page about Brightspace assignments.

Asking a question.

If your assignment is not finished but you want to send it to me in order to ask a question, then use the following procedure. Put your question in the body of an e-mail message and either put your source code in the body of the mail message, or attach your source code file to the message, or attach a zip file, whichever you think is more appropriate.

If you have a question about your source code, please do not send me a "screen shot" of the code. If you have a question about an error message, then a screen shot can be very helpful.

The subject of the e-mail message should be of the form "Question CS 51590 Hw0". If you attach a zip file to an e-mail message, be aware that some mail servers will not forward messages with zip file attachments. You can fool some of these mail servers by changing the extension of the zip file to something like "gif" or "png". If you cannot attach a zip file, you can try using one of the common file sharing services.