Let us take our simple language
       L = { a, a+a, a+a+a, a+a+a+a, ... }
and add balanced parentheses.


Here is an ambiguous BNF grammar for this language.

BNF:    expr -> expr + expr | ( expr ) | a


Here is an unambiguous, right associative, BNF grammar
(and an EBNF grammar derived from it).

BNF:    expr -> a + expr | ( expr ) + expr | ( expr ) | a

EBNF:   expr -> a [ + expr ]  |  ( expr ) [ + expr ]

Here are simplified grammars.

BNF:   expr -> term + expr | term
       term -> a | ( expr )

EBNF:  expr -> term [ + expr ]
       term -> a | ( expr )

EBNF:  expr -> term [ + term ]*
       term -> a | ( expr )

Notice how we can use two non-terminals in order to simplify this grammar,
but they are not required for disambiguating the grammar.


Here is an unambiguous, left associative, BNF grammar
(and an EBNF grammar derived from it).

BNF:    expr ->  expr + a | expr + ( expr ) | ( expr ) | a

EBNF:   expr -> [ expr + ] a  |  [ expr + ] ( expr )

Here are simplified grammars.

BNF:   expr -> expr + term | term
       term -> a | ( expr )

EBNF:  expr -> [ expr + ] term
       term -> a | ( expr )

EBNF:  expr -> [ term + ]* term
       term -> a | ( expr )


Since we now using parentheses in our language, we can specify the following
interesting property. We can force + to be a non-associative operator. This
means that the string "a+a+a" would not be allowed in the language. Instead,
parentheses would have to be used when there is more than one + operator.
(For example, in the programming language Maple, the exponentiation
operator, ^, is non-associative and 2^3^4 has no meaning.)

BNF:  expr -> a + a | a + ( expr ) | ( expr ) + a | ( expr ) + ( expr ) | ( expr ) | a

Here is a simplified grammar.

BNF:  expr -> term + term | term
      term -> a | ( expr )
