CS 33200 - Homework Assignment 6

This assignment makes use of files contained in this zip file. This assignment is due Thursday, December 8.

In the zip file there is the LaTeX file CS332Hw6.tex. Change the name of the file to CS332Hw6Surname.tex where Surname is your last name (and also put your name in the appropriate place in the document). This LaTeX file contains four questions that you need to answer. You should put your answers in the LaTeX file.

For the last problem, you need to create three graphs. Create the graphs using the Dot language and the program Graphviz. You will need to install Graphviz on your computer. There is an example graph already in the file CS332Hw6.pdf and that graph's image file, graph.png, was generated from the file graph.dot which is in the zip file. Look in the tex file CS332Hw6.tex to see how the image file gets included into the pdf file. The three graphs that you need to create for the last problem can all be created by modifying graph.dot.

Turn in a zip file called CS332Hw6Surname.zip (where Surname is your last name) containing your final version of the LaTeX file CS332Hw6Surname.tex, and your dot and png files for the graphs in the last problem.

This assignment is due Thursday, December 8.

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Last modified on 11/30/2011 09:20:05.
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