CS 332 - Programming Assignment 6

This assignment makes use of the files contained in this zip file.

For this assignment you are to write a generic implementation of the heapsort algorithm using a generic implementation of the heap data type.

In the zip file there are two interfaces, PriorityQueue.java and Comparer.java. The first thing that you need to do is define a class Heap.java that implements the PriorityQueue interface. Your implementation of Heap.java should follow the outline of Section 9.3, pages 383-389, from Sedgewick's book and also the included Javadoc files for Heap.java and PriorityQueue.java.

After you have implemented and compiled Heap.java, you can implement the class HeapSort.java. Look at the included Javadoc file for HeapSort.java. There is only one method in this class and it is very short.

After you have implemented and compiled HeapSort.java, you can start working on getting TestHeapSort.java to compile. First implement the Comparer class called ComparerInteger.java. Use the included Javadoc for the Comparer.java interface as a guide. After your ComparerInteger.java is implemented and compiled, comment out the parts of TestHeapSort.java that do not make use of ComparerInteger.java (which is most of TestHeapSort) and get what is left to compile and run. You should now have a working implementation of the heapsort algorithm. After heapsort is working with ComparerInteger.java, get each of the other Comparer classes to work. Then you have a generic version of the heapsort algorithm.

Turn in a zip file containing all of the original files from zip file plus your versions of Heap.java, HeapSort.java, ComparerInteger.java, and all of your other Comparer classes.

This assignment is due Monday, April 25.

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Last modified on 02/04/2007 15:36:03.
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