Algorithms on the Internet

MIT OpenCourseWare 6.046J: Introduction to Algorithms
You can take the M.I.T. algorithms course. This site has all of the handouts, assignments, and exams for the course. In addition, their textbook, which was written by M.I.T. professors, has its own web site with chapter by chapter study guides.

Data Structures and Algorithms
An interesting online textbook for data structures and algorithms. Many of the sections of this book end with a Java applet that animates the algorithm from the section. The animations are all listed on this one page.

Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures
These three web sites let you look up definitions, explanations, and implementations for a large number of data structures and algorithms. The first site has an interesting visual index.

Algorithm - Wikipedia
Algorithm Design Paradigms by Paul E. Dunne
Two surveys of some basic concepts from the study of algorithms.

Problem Database
A huge collection of exercises and homework problems for data structures and algorithms.

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java
Algorithms and Complexity by Herbert S. Wilf
Problems on Algorithms by Ian Parberry
Graph Theory by Reinhard Diestel
These are algorithms textbooks that you can download and read for free. If you are interested in getting other computer science textbooks that can be (legally) downloaded for free, go here or here.

Robsort Sorting Algorithm
Bogosort or bogo-sort
Algorithmic humor.

Google Directory - Algorithms
Open Directory - Algorithms - Algorithms Directory
From these directories you can find a great deal more links to algorithms on the Internet.

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