If you want to do Scheme programming at home, then you need to install a Scheme programming environment on your computer. There are several freely available Scheme programming environments available for downloading from the Internet.
This page shows you how to install and begin using a Scheme programming environment called DrScheme. DrScheme was specifically designed for teaching programming and it has a lot of interesting and innovative features that help you to understand programming (as opposed to just helping you to do programming, as in most integrated development environments).
- Step 1:
- First you need to go to the DrScheme download page and download an installer program.
- Step 1.5 (Optional):
- If you want more documentation, you can also download the following two files (from the PLT Documentation page).
PLT MrEd: Graphical Toolbox Manual (700 KB)
PLT Framework: GUI Application Framework (667 KB)
- Step 2:
- Run the installer that you downloaded in step one above.
- Step 2.5 (Optional):
- If you downloaded the optional documentation files in step 1.5, then just double click on each one. The DrScheme installation will take care of installing the documentation.
- Step 3:
- You should test your installation of DrScheme. Find the "PLT Scheme" program group in the "Start Menu" and click on the "DrScheme" icon in that program group. You should see a window that is split into upper and lower sub-windows, as shown in this help page from A Brief Tour of DrScheme. Read the first two chapters of the Tour and then try to duplicate the definitions and the interactions shown in the second screen shot.
To start learning to use Scheme, read Chapter 2 from the online textbook, The Scheme Programming Language.