Programming Assignment 4
CS 30200/ECE 46810
Operating Systems
Spring, 2019

This assignment makes use of files contained in this zip file. This assignment is due Friday, April 26.

For this assignment you are to write a program that performs virtual memory operations. You will run the program along with a virtual memory mapping program so that you can observe the virtual memory operations.

Complete the program that is outlined in the file VMdriver.c from the above zip file. Create a text file, called VMcmds.txt, with commands to exercise your virtual memory operations. The form of the command file is described in the comments of VMdriver.c. A simple version of VMcmds.txt is contained in Your command file should demonstrate all of the commands described in the comments of VMdriver.c. Be sure to create a command file that really tests your program. Run your program in a console window using a command of the form

   C:\VMdriver.exe < VMcmds.txt

Your VMdriver.exe program should create a process from the program VMmapper.exe (its source code file, VMmapper.c, is included in the zip file). The VMmapper.exe process will display a memory map of the VMdriver.exe process as it is running so that you can see the virtual memory operations take place in the VMdriver.exe virtual address space.

In the zip file there is a demo version, VMdriver-demo.exe, that you can run to see how your version should work.

When you are done with your version of VMdriver.c, here are some questions that you should think about. To answer these questions, you will need to use your version of VMdriver.exe, the VMmapper.exe program, and you may need to use other programs that let you observe virtual memory.

Turn in a zip file called (where Surname is your last name) containing your version of VMdriver.c and your command file VMcmds.txt.

This assignment is due Friday, April 26.

Here are links to some Windows API documentation that you might need to use in this assignment.