CS 302/ECE 468
Operating Systems
Spring, 2009

Professor Roger Kraft
Office: CLO 368
Office phone: (219) 989-2696
Office hours: after class and by appointment.
E-mail: roger@calumet.purdue.edu
General information about the course, textbooks, homework, exams, grading policy, etc.
Class Lectures
Material that we use in class lectures plus reading assignments and some not-for-credit homework assignments.
Homework Assignments
Guidelines for writing and turning in your programming assignments, and the programming assignments themselves (after they have been assigned).
C Programming
Information about the C programming language, the C runtime libraries, C compilers, and programming environments.
i386 Assembly Language and Architecture
Introductory information about the i386 family of processors.
Tools for observing Windows behavior
A guide to tools available for observing Windows internal behavior with respect to processes, threads, memory, files, etc.
Introductory information about the Linux and Unix operating systems.
Operating Systems on the Internet
Links to web pages about operating systems in general and also pages about specific commercially available operating systems and research operating systems.

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