CS 27500 - Java Programming

Java SE 7 Downloads
Java SE 7 Online API Documentation
Java SE 7 Documentation
The first link lets you download the Java compiler and libraries and the next two links let you read the documentation.

These are free, simple, educational, IDE's that you can download and use to write small Java programs. These kinds of IDEs are much better for writing lots of small Java examples than the large, professional IDEs (like Eclipse).

BeanShell - Lightweight Scripting for Java
This is an interpreted version of Java. BeanShell consists of a single file bsh-2.0b4.jar that you download and place anywhere on your computer. Just double click on the file to start BeanShell (but you need to install the Java JDK before you can use BeanShell).

Java Precisely
A very nice, concise reference book for the Java language. If you scroll down the page, there is a link to an earlier version of the book that is freely downloadable.

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Introduction to Programming Using Java
Thinking in Java, 4th Edition
Thinking in Java, 3rd Edition
The Java Tutorials
Java Lecture Notes
These are links to free online textbooks for Java.

Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language
AmbySoft Inc. Coding Standards for Java
Draft Java Coding Standard by Doug Lea
Java Programming Style Guide JavaRanch
Speaking the Java language without an accent - IBM developerWorks
Goood Java Style: Part 1
Goood Java Style: Part 2
Checkstyle 5.5
Code in Motion from the book Beautiful Code
Coding Guidelines, Finding the Art in the Science ACM Queue
How To Write Unmaintainable Code
Various Java style guides and explanations for the importance of using a style guide.

The Java Language and Virtual Machine Specifications
The definitive, technical specifications for the Java language and the Java Virtual Machine.

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