Your Maple worksheets should have a specific format and name, and you will submit them to me in a specific way. These rules make it easier for me to automate the collecting and grading of your homework assignments. So it is important that you follow these rules carefully.
Formatting for your Maple worksheets.
At the beginning of your worksheet you should be sure to put your name.
The worksheets that you turn in should be "classic worksheets" (as opposed to "standard worksheets"; we will explain this difference in class). In particular, the worksheets that you turn in should have the extension "mws" as part of their file name (as opposed to the extension "mw"). Always make sure that when you save a worksheet after modifying it, you save the worksheet as a "classic worksheet".
Naming your Maple worksheets.
I want you to follow a very strict rule for naming your worksheets. The name of your worksheet should be of the form CS206Hw0Surname.mws . The number between Hw and Surname is the number of the homework assignment. And Surname is of course your last name. If your surname has more than one part, concatenate the parts together so that the name of the worksheet does not have any spaces in it.
Submitting your assignments.
When you are finished with your assignment, submit your Maple worksheet using the Blackboard "Assignments" tool for this course. When you are on the "Edit Submission" page for an assignment, click on the "Add Attachments" button. In the popup window, click on the "My Computer" icon, which brings up a Windows file chooser dialog. Use the dialog box to navigate to your worksheet that you want to submit. After you click on the "Open" button from this dialog box, you will be back to the Blackboard "Edit Submission" page. Click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of this page. After you have submitted an assignment, it will move from your "In" box to your "Submitted" box. If you should need to re-submit the assignment, you can move the assignment back to your "In" box.
If your assignment is not finished but you want to send it to me in order to ask a question about it, then use the following procedure. Put your question in the body of an e-mail message and attach your maple worksheet to the message. The subject of the e-mail message should be of the form "Question: CS206Hw0Surname".